Saturday, January 26, 2013

If you think the grass is greener....

Living in the modern age of technology can be a wonderful thing. Advancements in medicine and medical technology, more fuel efficient vehicles, electronic devices that can hold thousands of books and a myriad of other things prove that increased knowledge in the technological world can lead to the betterment of society.

However, it can also lead to it's detriment.

It used to be that in order to cheat on someone a person actually had to physically make the effort to meet someone. There were lies of working late in the office, important meetings one had to get to, or the classic, "Oh sorry, honey, I just lost track of the time while I was at x, y or z." A person had to be careful where they went, who might see them, or even who might overhear a conversation. There were so many risks of being caught, and perhaps for a twisted individual it was even the idea of this risky business that made the concept of cheating so enticing.

Today it's much more simpler.

And perhaps it's because of the increased ease, option and availability that so many do it. Plus, it's so easy to justify. "But, I'm not actually sleeping with her/him. In fact, I've never even met them!" Or one even better, "That's just someone I used to know when I was at such-and such job, or in highschool, or college, or... "....well you get the idea. It's nothing to worry about because they're only friends on Facebook.

But the fact remains that the very definition of cheating on someone is simply being unfaithful. One doesn't have to go on a date, or have sex with another in order to unfaithful. It's knowing that an individual trusts you and abusing that trust for your own selfish gain.

And thanks to modern technology being unfaithful has gotten a whole lot easier. We have facebook that connects us to a world of people...and through facebook we can send private messages, exchange pictures, even share our location so that might just happen to "bump" into someone.

We have cellphones...and with these cellphones all we have to do is have a phone number...and with that number, we can call, text, send and receive photos....and heck, throw in a data plan and you've got the same access to facebook. You don't even have to run the risk of your significant other catching you on the computer.

You can "safely" cheat on the go! And all the while, you're still convincing yourself-or maybe you aren't, maybe you can admit it and simply feel  no remorse-that you aren't *really* doing anything wrong.

But that's the funny are. What's the point of meaningless texts with an individual you aren't in a relationship with? What's so great about seeing pictures of someone? Why is it that this seems to be okay with so many individuals that are already in committed relationships?

Honestly, unless you are in an "open" relationship- and I mean a truley "open" relationship, where your significant other is fully aware that you are chatting it up or drooling over, or even sleeping with someone else and they are completely okay with that- what is the point?

What is the point of starting something you aren't going to finish? And if you can so easily switch focus from the person you supposedly love ( and I say supposedly because if you love someone, you wouldn't even be going there), then what is the reason that you are even with that person?

I've never understood what drives people to cheat. I've always been the type of person that if I felt myself having wandering thoughts or eyes, then I realized that it was time to evaluate my current situation. If I felt that strongly that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence, then I just pack my stuff up, put the house up for sale and buy the house next door.

Unless of course the house next door isn't for sale...and well, that just brings up a whole new debacle.

There is never a reason nor an excuse to cheat. If you are bored in your current relationship, then talk it over with your significant other. If there's something missing, then see what you can do to bring that aspect to the table. If that's not the case and you simply want everything you see- then perhaps you should consider getting   yourself into therapy  OR find yourself a lady/fellow that wants to be in that aforementioned open relationship.

I'm the type of person that takes commitment seriously. When I'm in a relationship, i'm in that relationship. Anything that I need from the opposite gender, which is where my attraction lies, I should get from my partner. My boyfriend is my best friend and everything help mate, my partner, my lover etc. etc. If I'm in need of additional companionship, then I seek out friends of the same sex to fill those roles. That's not to say that I don't have male friends, I do. But honestly they are either gay, or they are friends with my boyfriend and I don't talk about intimate things with them.

Perhaps I'm old school, but it just seems to me that looking for anything else brings on a whole slew of troubles. "Innocent flirting" is not innocent, nine times out of ten. Someone typically wants more...and even if neither parties do, you are disrespecting the person in your life that you claim to love.

I don't know any woman that would want to be with someone intimately, if they thought their partner was thinking of someone else when they were together. And that's exactly what it boils down to

Just keep in mind that if you think the grass is greener in someone else's backyard, more then likely there is a whole lot of fertilizer involved. And probably if you take a walk around you'll find your boots sinking pretty darn deep.

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