Friday, June 21, 2013

A journey to the ten pound lighter version of me.

Today is June 20th, 2013. It's a Thursday. There's not really much special about today. It's not a birthday or an anniversary. It's not the beginning of a season or a month. It's not a holiday. However, it's going to be an important date. It's the day I began a journey to the ten pounds lighter version of me.

Ten pounds may also seem pretty insignificant. Ten pounds is a lot like June 20th, 2013. It's going to be a big deal. It's going to be a big deal because first of all....I could really stand to lose ten pounds. But I could really  really really stand to lose a LOT more than ten pounds. And so that is where I'll start. Because I can lose ten, then I can lose 20. If i can lose 20, well shoot then I can lose 30, right?? Right! However, if you were to ask me today "So, can you lose 30 pounds?" my answer would have to be "um...yes. absolutely. If pigs can grow wings and fly, then I can lose 30 pounds." And of course I'd say that statement in my most dead-pan of voices while rolling my eyes and thinking  how I can believe you'd ask a chunky monkey like myself such a stupid question.

The point is...30 pounds or 50 pounds or 80 pounds....whatever the total amount is ANY of us need to lose, it's pretty daggum daunting. I am not going to set myself up for failure. I'm not about to start thinking of the mountain that needs to be climbing before I manage to get over the hill that comes before it.

So on a pretty insignificant day, I'm making a goal to lose a pretty insignificant amount of weight. Oh and to make it sound even more ho-hum?? I'm not even setting a date of when I plan to reach it. Sheeeew. No, son!

Here's what I figure. I'll make a plan. I'll do part of that plan each day. I'll monitor what goes in my mouth. I'll say a little prayer. I'll blog a little blog and I'll just see what happens.

Sometimes people just work better without a plan. That's sorta how I started my journey to becoming a reformed smoker. I didn't prep, like they always say. I didn't taper down. I didn't set a quit date. I just freaking quit. And I've slipped up here and there. But guess what? Whenever I have, I didn't throw my hands up in the air and say "Well, oops. I screwed up, might as well go back to being a smoker!" Nope, I just accepted that I slipped up and picked up where I left off.

So far that seems to be working best for me. I've been quit over a month (approx a month and a week.) and during that time I've had the equivalent of two packs. Trust me, compared to a pack and a half a day habit that I used to have, that's pretty much winning.

I feel like I've gotten a fairly good handle on the cigarette habit. So now, it's time to tackle these extra pounds. I'm not sure where they came from to be honest with you. Okay that's a lie....I know where they came from...stress eating, not exercising regularly, far too much fast-food and "convenience" eating and a lack of structure in mealtimes all contributed to all these extra pounds. However, I swear I didn't really know it was happening. One day I'm in the best shape of my life and the next I am struggling to do one flippin sit up.

But it's okay. I'm aware. I'm going to do something about it. Starting today. Don't know how long it'll take me, but I'm making an effort. And that's all one can do.

Tonight I began a thirty day ab challenge. 15 sit-ups, 5 crunches, 5 leg raises and an attempt at a 10 second plank (yeah, sadly I made it 6 sec. and fell on my face. pushed back up for 4 more seconds....i realize this equals 10, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it.)

Then I did a brisk 6 minute walk. (Again, i realize that sounds weak, but it is what it is.)

I'm shocked in a lot of ways at exactly how out of shape I've gotten. Again, I can't say that I can't understand how it happened. But I am an active person. I'm constantly moving around and doing something. However I have absolutely no strength. Trying to do 15 situps was ridiculously hard. Planking was an epic fail. At this point I cant even imagine a 20 minute jog.

But we all must start somewhere. So embarrassing or not....i'm going to not only do this journey but attempt to blog about it. If it's read, so be it. If it's not, then at least I'll have it. To look back over as I continue on. Reminding me of where I started and where I'm going.

I just want to be healthier. I want to be in better shape. I want to fit into my clothes and not huff and puff when I walk up a flight of stairs. I'd like my feet to quit hurting, and my back to quit aching. I'd like to sleep better and just FEEL better.

So it begins: a journey to a ten pound lighter version of me....and then who knows??

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